College, Disabilities, and Success
Are you afraid your child with a disability will struggle and fail at college? You can stop the struggle! Knowledge is power!! Welcome to College, Disabilities, and Success! Get my insider's look at how disability services work on college campuses. As a former college Learning Disability Specialist, Disability Services Coordinator, and LD high school teacher, I can help you! Do you understand the power of Disability Services at college? Do you understand how your child's privacy changes at 18 or the differences between the K-12 IDEA law and college ADA law? Can you step in at college to help your child? How will your child get accommodations or handle problems with accommodations? What kind of documentation does your child need at college? Will colleges take an IEP and is it enough? What are your child's study skills goals and study skills for test taking? What kind of relationship should your child have with the college professors? You'll find those answers and lots more here at the College, Disabilities, and Success podcast!
College, Disabilities, and Success
#96 Flexible Deadlines for Assignments Good? or Bad?
Requesting the accommodation of extended time or flexible deadlines for assignments can either help a student or create a problem for the student. In today's episode, you will learn what types of situations and disabilities warrant the extended time, and which do not, and how extended time used incorrectly could impact a student's grades, financial aid, and future course load.
#26 Disabilities and Self-Determination with Dr. Richard Chapman
Free ebook Insights from a Disability Specialist