College, Disabilities, and Success
Are you afraid your child with a disability will struggle and fail at college? You can stop the struggle! Knowledge is power!! Welcome to College, Disabilities, and Success! Get my insider's look at how disability services work on college campuses. As a former college Learning Disability Specialist, Disability Services Coordinator, and LD high school teacher, I can help you! Do you understand the power of Disability Services at college? Do you understand how your child's privacy changes at 18 or the differences between the K-12 IDEA law and college ADA law? Can you step in at college to help your child? How will your child get accommodations or handle problems with accommodations? What kind of documentation does your child need at college? Will colleges take an IEP and is it enough? What are your child's study skills goals and study skills for test taking? What kind of relationship should your child have with the college professors? You'll find those answers and lots more here at the College, Disabilities, and Success podcast!
College, Disabilities, and Success
#92 Accommodating Temporary Disabilities
We can find ourselves in an unexpected situation where we or our children will need temporary accommodations at college. Today's episode takes a brief look at what kind of situations might arise, how to address the problem, and what kind of documentation and accommodations might be typical for a person with a temporary disability.
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Mickie 0:00
Sometimes we find ourselves in an unexpected situation. I was not able to record last week because I had to go home to Ohio because my mother was very sick. She was 95 years old, and she had a clear mind, but a failing body, my siblings and I found ourselves in a situation where we had to figure out some accommodations in order to get her back and forth to the doctors. And all of a sudden we were searching for wheelchair accommodations and ramps and how to get her from an inaccessible house out to the car. Now, you're probably wondering why I am telling you this other than to share my personal story. It is because I want you to understand that in real life circumstances can make us a person with a disability in the blink of an eye. So what does it mean if that happens to your child in college? Well, I want you to know that disability services at the colleges can still accommodate an individual who has a temporary disability. So welcome to college disabilities and success, Episode 92 accommodating temporary disabilities. With Mickie Hayes, the opinions in this podcast are my own, please reach out to your college physician or legal services for additional information.
Mickie 1:35
What would you do if your child suddenly finds himself or herself in a situation where they have to use a wheelchair that they never used before, they have to get back and forth to classes they need assistance with writing, they need assistance with vision they need assistance with note taking, perhaps they're suddenly dealing with a broken arm or a broken leg, they may have had an accident, and they suddenly need some extra support online rather than in class. The possibilities are endless for temporary, unexpected disabilities. So if you find yourself in that situation, or your child is in that situation at your earliest possible convenience, you should reach out to Disability Services and let them know exactly what the situation is what kind of problem the individual is dealing with and when they expect to be functioning normally. Now in most cases for a temporary disability, Disability Services is probably going to need a letter from the doctor perhaps something with some explanation as to the situation and the need that has arisen because of the situation. But in most cases a letter will probably do. The main idea is to make Disability Services aware of the situation so that they can inform the instructor as to the specific needs that the student may have with temporary accommodations, communication, to Disability Services, and to the faculty is extremely important as soon as realistically possible. It's also very important that either the individual who was injured or somebody speaking on their behalf also advises disability services as to the accommodations that the student may need. Typical accommodations may include a note taker in class or or possibly extended time for assignments, or extended time on tests. Just keep in mind that every situation is unique. Please don't hesitate to email me at Mickie, M I C K i e If you find that your child is in a temporary situation due to some sort of accident, and you are not sure what accommodations might be reasonable, and you want to ask me, please don't hesitate to send me an email. And I do want to tell you that my dear mother at age 95 did pass away last week. Please keep my family in your prayers. Thank you for joining me today. I know this was a little bit of a different episode. But I do want you to know that I'm thinking about you and hoping that all your days are good. Take care, and we'll talk again soon. By information contained throughout this podcast has been gleaned from my own personal experiences, but to ensure accuracy please contact the Disability Services at the college of your choice to have firsthand information and the most up to date policies and procedures followed for your particular institution of higher education. The content in any of these podcasts is not intended as a substitute for More information from legal educational or medical professionals always seek the advice of your attorney or qualified health care provider with any questions you may have with regards to illegal educational or medical concerns
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