College, Disabilities, and Success

#72 Strategies to Accommodate Struggling Learners

Mickie Hayes Season 2 Episode 72
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In many classrooms, teachers have students who don't do well and haven't been identified as having a disability.  A student for whom English is a second language might also be struggling with the language barrier and/or might also have a disability issue compounding academic problems.  The challenges for both groups of students can sometimes look identical, and determining the exact nature of the issue may take quite a while.  In the meantime, parents who are homeschooling, K-12 teachers, or college professors will have students in a class who need immediate help.  Today we look at "Accommodating Learning Disabilities in the English Language Classroom," by Jimalee Sowell and Larry Sugisaki from The English Teaching Forum.  We talk about supporting those struggling students without an official learning disability diagnosis using 4 methods of instruction: The Inclusive Classroom, Universal Design for Learning (UDL), Scaffolding, and Peer-Assisted Learning Strategies (PALS),

Accommodating Learning Disabilities in the English Language Classroom

Episode 54 The Importance of Universal Design for Learning

Episode 9 Is Learning Style a Thing?

#27 LD Evaluation: What You Should Know

#38 The Complexity of Dyslexia

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