College, Disabilities, and Success

#62 Prepping For Final Exams

Mickie Hayes Season 2 Episode 62
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00:00 | 18:23

Getting ready for final exams in college is not the same as it was in high school.  Students need to check out various policies and procedures before taking finals.  Today's episode centers around the policies and protocols for 5 different areas:  college exam schedules and how they can impact a student; possible final exam accommodations and assistive technology that needs to be arranged with disability services; faculty expectations and policies with regard to finals; tutoring center operations that may be affected by high demand prior to final exams; and testing centers or special testing locations protocols for students with disabilities. Paying attention to these 5 areas of need before finals occur will make the final exam experience go much smoother for any student, especially a student with a disability.

Free Resource: Insights from a Disability Specialist

College & Disabilities: 9 Changes from High School Every Parent Should Know Course